Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 9

Today the group said good-bye to the work site they have been working at the past week, along with saying good-bye some of the construction workers the group worked along side with.

Next, the group headed to the high school where most of the teens with Armonia go to.

The group played games, played basketball, football, soccer, Frisbee, and much more.

When the group headed back to where they have been staying this past week, they all began to pack, and to get ready for leaving early tomorrow morning.

The night was full of sharing, having a good time,

and spending time with each other before leaving Mexico for the States the next day.

Day 8 of Mexico Mission Trip 2008

Today the group first headed towards a preschool, to teach the kids different words in English,

and just to play and have a good time with them.

Afterwards, the group headed back to the work site, where they hit it hard until later that night, to get most of the work finished.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 7 (June 11th)

Today the group took a day off of working to visit historical places around Oaxaca.

First they visited a few pyramids, and learned much about how they were made, and (Excuse me) the history of the people that used them.

Next, the group went to see one of the biggest tree known.

(Lion head. Do you see?)

That night, Saul took the group to the smoke market to have dinner, and then to the chocolate factory to taste some real Mexican chocolate. The group got back late, and slept as soon as they got home.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 6

Today our group had the opprotunity of visitng a school of approxmantaly 70 kids, most which live in very poor villages.
We taught the kids the colors in English,

played with them with play-doh,

made braclets with them,
and just had a good time with them, just being with them.

After we spent a few hours with the kids and the school, we went back to the work site, hitting it hard, and trying to get the first step done.
(Which meant LOTS of shoveling!!)

Mexico Mission Trip- Day 5

Today we had another full day at the work site. As you can tell from this picture, you can tell that we try to make it more interesting, and have fun and just relax at times.

Here Bill Rylander and Uncle Tom are having a LOT of fun "dancing."

Here Chris, one of the volunteer's with Armonia, is talking with some of the children from the village where the work site is at.

Everyone is just having fun getting to know each other, teaching one other their own langauge.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 4

On Sunday, our group visited a baptist church where Saul was invited to preach at. The church greeted our group with open arms. The church let our church sing a couple of songs with them. One of the songs that our group sang, the church members knew as well, so they sang along in Spanish, while the group sang along in English. It was an amazing site to see.

After the service, Saul took the group to a buffet restaurant, where it had beautiful senery outside in the back of the restaurant.

Next, Saul took the group to the market, where the students from the youth group were able to buy souvenirs.

Also, for an update- Dr. Rylander made it safe here in Mexico Saturday night, along with James Gilmore feeling better. Please continue to pray for Daniel B, for he is still feeling a bit sick.

Day 3

Today the group hit the work site bright and early, working all day. The group was supposed to have lunch at a museum, but because of the rain, the group had to stay at the site and continue to work. Though it was a long day, everyone continue to work until the goal for the day was finished.

Later on that night, the students with Armonia and CCC had a meeting together, where the groups formed small groups for pray requests. Next, everyone had the choice of giving their testimonies. After CCC had their own meeting, everyone socialized with one another, playing games and having fun.

For pray requests, please continue to pray for everyone's health, for both Daniel B and James G are both sick with similar symptoms.

Please also pray for Dr. Rylander as he makes his way to Mexico Saturday night.

Day 2

On day 2 of the mission trip, our group was given more details about Armonia and its history on how Armonia was started. Later on in the afternoon, the group went to the work site to on work on what will be a dorm building, and hope to have a university.

Later that night, the CCC group surprised one of the Mexican students working with Armonia, named Sergio, with a professional clarinet. Sergio having a professional clarinet was something he needed so that he could attend an international school of music.

Everyone from both the youth group and the students with Armonia are already becoming friends with one another, and getting to know each other very well.

For pray requests, please continue to pray for the students and the youth group, and for everyone to stay well, for some students in the youth group are already showing signs of dehydration and tiredness.

Mexico Mission Trip- Day 1

After getting off the plane around 11am (10am in Mexico), we were greeting by Saul, along with Dani, and Alejandro, we were given a tour of certain parts of Mexico, and Oaxaca City. There we saw many shops and catholic churches. Also we had dinner at a local restaurant, and made our way to where we were going to stay here in Armonia. Our group met many of the Mexican students that live in Oaxaca City, and work with Armonia. After meeting the Mexican students, our group was really excited about taking showers, and then going to sleep around midnight.