Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 4

On Sunday, our group visited a baptist church where Saul was invited to preach at. The church greeted our group with open arms. The church let our church sing a couple of songs with them. One of the songs that our group sang, the church members knew as well, so they sang along in Spanish, while the group sang along in English. It was an amazing site to see.

After the service, Saul took the group to a buffet restaurant, where it had beautiful senery outside in the back of the restaurant.

Next, Saul took the group to the market, where the students from the youth group were able to buy souvenirs.

Also, for an update- Dr. Rylander made it safe here in Mexico Saturday night, along with James Gilmore feeling better. Please continue to pray for Daniel B, for he is still feeling a bit sick.

1 comment:

I am Heidi's Mom. said...

I am so proud of all of you. God is good. Stay safe. We are praying for you every day!